News, forthcoming events 

We are still livestreaming our Sunday service on our Facebook page for those who are unable to attend.

It's very exciting to be able to announce that Jeff Paget, organist at St Peter's for 50 years, has been made a member of the Order of St Ethelbert:
The Order was instituted in 2015 as a means of recognising devoted and loyal service to the diocese and cathedral through their parish churches and community. This year’s list reflects a wide range of recipients, all of whom have worked tirelessly in their own areas of Christian ministry. Presentations to the Order were made on Sunday 14 October at 3.30 pm during Choral Evensong.  

It was a privilege to welcome the Welsh Guards RST North to St Martin's on a recent Monday evening as part of a journey to raise awareness for Welsh Guards that have made the ultimate sacrifice as a result of operations since the Second World War. Follow their journey on Facebook at 'Road to Remembrance'

Vicar of St Martin’s Celebrated!

The Violet Plaques Project has seen eleven temporary plaques installed across the city in key locations to commemorate moments within the suffragette movement. The idea for the violet plaques arose during the research phase of the Eastern Cloisters Project, a Heritage Lottery Funded project based within the cloisters of Hereford Cathedral. In St Martin’s we have a plaque to commemorate Reverend George Kirwood. Born in London in 1819, George Henry Kirwood attended St Bees Theological College, Cumbria, which was for the training of non-graduate clergymen. He became Vicar of St Martin’s Church in Hereford in 1857 retiring in 1893. He sought to improve local conditions for the community, providing education through the foundation of St Martin’s School in 1859. Reverend Kirwood was elected President of the Hereford YMCA in 1866, a post he held until he retired. He campaigned for women’s equality and wrote extensively on the need for universal suffrage. In May 1878 he addressed a public meeting at Shire Hall organised by the National Society for Women’s Suffrage. Follow the stories by using #VioletPlaques.

The Church community is still struggling with the long term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.One of the challenges we face is the loss of earnings as donations, fees and hall rental income have fallen considerably. If you are able to support the work of our Churches and make a donation we would be very grateful. 

Donations can be made online using the button below, or through the team office. Thank you for your help.

This week's newsletter for South Wye, Hereford.
If you would like to receive this newsletter by email each week, please email the office (
Newsletter 28th July PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [615.6 KB]
The hymns for the service this week.
Hymns Trinity 9 PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [95.1 KB]
Our July Magazine
Aspiration is the magazine produced each month for our group of parishes.
Aspiration July 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [9.8 MB]